Saturday, November 28, 2009


The blackness pulls with a shrilling intensity.
Down you go.
Muck and murky stenches cling to your garment of hate.
Thorns of self righteousness indignation pierce your heart.

Blood drips, puddles form.
Red footprints wherever you tread.
Hands seek weapons.
Words filled with rancor pollute the air.

Where is your youthful innocence, your purity of heart?
Is that too covered with colors of bloody ash?
“No!” cries a voice from deep within.
A voice anger tries to envelop, yet its call will not be silenced.

Again and again the voice of Truth beckons,
finally becoming a continuous hum.
Then it transforms into a sweet melody
that plays in the background of the wretched blackness.

Tones of comfort blot away the crimson puddles of revenge.
The fragrance of Forgiveness touches the air.
Can you breathe it in?
Listen, feel the call.

Eyes open slowly.
Veils blow away, weapons fall useless, empty.
Tears mingle with red, turning puddles pink.
Pink becomes clear, light.

Forgiveness steps forward,
her arms open wide, warmth, Compassion, Love.
Leaning towards her you wonder,
“Why did I ever turn away?”

Suddenly, a flash becomes a lustrous glow.
There it is: Your Innocence and Purity of Heart
Never lost, ever present, reflecting back to you
as you gaze into the radiant eyes of Forgiveness.

By, Saleema Eileen